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Create Contact or Custom Data Object

Using this plugin you can set up the creation of a new contact or a new custom data object triggered by the submission of a form.

To apply the plugin to a form, specify the following parameters (fields marked with * are mandatory):



Create Criteria

Use this field to provide the logical expression that will trigger the plugin's execution, using the Qx.Ay referencing format. To create a complex expression for multiple questions, use the ORAND logic operators as well as the Advanced Logic rules. 

If the logical expression becomes true, the plugin will create a contact/custom data object; otherwise, nothing will be created. 

If no logical expression is specified, the plugin will be executed unconditionally. 

*Data Object Model

Choose whether a new record should be added to any of the created contact managers or data models.

Unique Field Mapping

Set up the mapping between the form's question and the contact manager/data model field that will be used as a unique identifier. This is done in order to register unique contacts or data objects and to avoid the data being overwritten or duplicated.

Use the Qx.Ay=>[Column Name] notation. Single LineMultiline, Matrix, and Object Lookupquestion types can be used for the unique ID field mapping. 

Create if the unique field is empty

Choose Yes if you wish to create a custom object regardless of the 'Unique field' being set or not;

Choose No to create a custom object only if the 'Unique field' has been set. 

Use piping

Choose Yes if you want to replace the piping tags;

Choose No if you want to leave all of the piping tags as they are. 

*Field Mapping

Set up the mapping between the form's questions and the database fields. Click Add to create multiple mappings. 

Use the following notations:

  • Qx=>[Column Name] for Pick one (radio buttons/with comments), Dropdown box question types

  • Qx.Ay.Cz=>[Column Name] for Matrix, Numeric allocation, and Compare One against other question types

  • Qx.Ay=>[Column Name] for all other question types.

If you need to pass the links to files added via the File Upload question type, use the following notation: LINK:Qx.Ay for downloadable links, PLINK:Qx.Ay for preview links. The PLINK reference will show a preview of an image, or an icon for other files.

When accessing an image via a direct link, your browser will show the download dialog. To view the images instantly, place a link to the image inside the <img src='downloadable link'/> HTML tag.

Use the Quick edit button to enter and edit all references at once, placing each separately on a new line.

If the Create if the unique field is empty option is used, the plugin might create duplicates when:

  • a user is trying to resubmit the response;

  • if the internet connection was lost when saving the online voting results or during the offline app sync.

  • This plugin works best if applied to forms with the active Allow multiple responses feature. If this feature is not active, the plugin will cause the creation of duplicate contacts. 

  • If you are adding contacts to the contact manager with a Login column set, make sure that this field is mapped. 

  • The plugin works with the question/answer identifiers, so you may use them instead of question/answer numbers in the plugin's parameters. 

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