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Email Alert Tags

You can use the following tags in square brackets [ ] when editing your Email alert message. These tags allow you to personalize your email or supply it with additional form or report links.

[R] Tag

If you are composing a text for an Email alert and you want to include a link to the response, use the tag [R]. It will be automatically substituted with the RBR (Report by Respondent) link once the email is sent. The recipient of the Email alert will see one response and will be able to look through other responses using navigation buttons on top.

The following format: [R] hypertext [\R] allows customizing the hyperlinked text which will appear in the Email instead of the link to the completed response.

You can also use the additional "language" parameter which allows displaying the RBR in a language specified by this parameter.

For instance,

  • [R language="fromBrowser"] - will display the report by respondent in the language, chosen in the browser settings.

  • [R language="fromResults"] - will display the report by respondent in the language used during the voting process.

  • [R language="en"] - will display the report by respondent in English. You may change the language abbreviation to the specific language you prefer.

  • [R language="en"] hypertext [\R] will display the RBR in a particular language and allows customizing the hyperlinked text.

[RPDF] Tag

If you are composing a text for Email alert and you want to include the link to the PDF version of the report by respondent, use the [RPDF] tag. It will be automatically substituted by the link to the PDF version of the response once the email is sent.

The following format: [RPDF] hypertext [\RPDF] allows customizing the hyperlinked text which will appear in the Email instead of the link to the completed response.

You can also use the additional "language" parameter which allows displaying the RBR in a language specified by this parameter. Just add this parameter to the [RPDF] tag to specify in which language it should be displayed.

For instance,

  • [RPDF language="fromBrowser"] - will display the report by respondent in the language, chosen in the browser settings.

  • [RPDF language="fromResults"] - will display the report by respondent in the language used during the voting process.

  • [RPDF language="en"] - will display the report by respondent in English. You may change the language abbreviation to the specific language you prefer.

  • [RPDF language="en"] hypertext [\RPDF] will display the RBR in a particular language and allows customizing the hyperlinked text.

[RnoNav] Tag

If you are composing a text for Alert to respondent, and you want to include a link to report by respondent without the navigation buttons, use the tag [RnoNav]. It will be automatically substituted by the RBR link once the email is sent. The recipient of the Email alert will be able to view only one particular response.

The following format: [RnoNav] hypertext [\RnoNav]  allows customizing the hyperlinked text which will appear in the Email instead of the link to the completed response.

You can also use additional "language" parameter which allows displaying the RBR in a language specified by this parameter. Just add this parameter to the [RnoNav] tag to specify the language in which you want to display the response.

For instance,

  • [RnoNav language="fromBrowser"] - will display the report by respondent in the language, chosen in the browser settings.

  • [RnoNav language="fromResults"] - will display the report by respondent in the language used during the voting process.

  • [RnoNav language="en"] - will display the report by respondent in English. You may change the language abbreviation to the specific language you prefer.

  • [RnoNav language="en"] hypertext [\RnoNav] will display the RBR in a particular language and allows customizing the hyperlinked text.

[RNoHidden] Tag

If you are composing a text for Alert to respondent, and you want to include a link to individual report without the hidden questions, use the [RNoHidden] token. It will be automatically substituted with the RBR link once the email is sent. The recipient of the Email alert will only see the questions which were visible to respondent during voting. However, this tag does not hide the autofilled questions which are hidden in the form using Advanced Show/Hide logic.

The following format: [RnoHidden] hypertext [\RnoHidden]  allows customizing the hyperlinked text which will appear in the Email instead of the link to the completed response.

You can also use additional "language" parameter which allows displaying the RBR in a language specified by this parameter. Just add this parameter to the [RnoNav] tag to specify the language in which you want to display the response.

For instance,

  • [RnoHidden language="fromBrowser"] - will display the report by respondent in the language, chosen in the browser settings.

  • [RnoHidden language="fromResults"] - will display the report by respondent in the language used during the voting process.

  • [RnoHidden language="en"] - will display the report by respondent in English. You may change the language abbreviation to the specific language you prefer.

  • [RnoHidden language="en"] hypertext [\RnoHidden] will display the RBR in a particular language and allows customizing the hyperlinked text.

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