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Formatting Piping Tokens

  • Please note, that LINK:[Qx] and LINK:[Qx.Ay] tokens will work in the forms that respondents fill out via the browser only.

  • The autocomplete function allows you to enter piping expressions faster and easier. After entering [Q], [QX.A] or [QX.AY.C] system will show you the list of available questions, answer options or answer columns (for Rating Scale and Matrix questions) accordingly. The picked element will be substituted by its survey sequence number.

  • Tokens are case and format sensitive. They will be identified only if written in uppercase without any spaces or other symbols. Such symbol strings as [q4], [  Q7.A2  ] or [Q10;A5] will not be treated as tokens.

  • You cannot use piping and randomize (either questions or answers) simultaneously.

  • Piping will be applied in the following cases: in the Preview mode, while running the form and in the 'Report by Respondent' mode. In all other cases (on the Edit pages, in reports, charts and when exported to Excel/SPSS) tokens will be displayed as [QX] and/or [QX.AY].

  • If the piping token refers to the Text field (Multiline or Single Line text responses or Other response in a Pick one/Check All questions) the token will be substituted with the text typed into the referenced field.

  • You cannot use piping to insert responses that already contain tokens. Piping based on piping is not possible.

  • When the question order is changed, the piping tokens get updated automatically.

  • The input data may also be piped in the Redirect URL which is specified on the Settings page with the help of Piping with URL Import feature. Just embed the tokens in the Redirect URL string. After the form has been submitted, the newly configured URL, which the respondents are redirected to, will have a modified string with content based on the responses to questions in the survey.

Piping token




{Qx} / [Qx]

Refers to the question number x

{Q4} will insert the answer selected in question #4

{Qx.Ay} / [Qx.Ay]

Refers to the question number x and the answer field number y

{Q10.A3} will insert the answer from field #3 in question #10

{Qx.A*} /[Qx.A*]

Refers to all selected answer options in the question number x

{Q5.A*} will insert all answer options selected in question #5

This piping token is used to pipe answers from Multiple Choice questions - Check All that Apply and List Box.

{Qx.Ay.Cz} / [Qx.Ay.Cz

Refers to the question number x, answer number y, and column number z

{Q3.A1.C2} will insert the value selected in question #3, answer #1, column #2

This piping token can be used with Rating Scale and Matrix questions which have scales.

{Qx.Cz} / [Qx.Cz]

Refers to the question number x, column number z

{Q5.C1} will insert the answer options for which column #1 was selected

This piping token can be used with Rating Scale and Matrix questions which have scales.


Refers to the question number x and the answer number y and also codes the response into the URL format

URL:{Q5.A1} will insert the answer from field #1 in question #5 and code it into the URL format



Refers to the question number x and the answer number y and preserves the original formatting of the selected answer option, or of the text entered into the text field.

Question #3 have two answer options: Yes and No

TEXT:{Q3} will insert the answer option as it is formatted in the question: bold and in color

If you use square brackets with this piping tag: TEXT:[Qx.Ay], the piped text will have the original HTML formatting, but it will also appear bold and italicized.

LINK:{Qx.Ay} / LINK:[Qx.Ay]

Refers to the File Upload question number x and the answer number y. Returns the link to the file uploaded by respondent.

LINK:{Q2.A1} will insert the link to the first file uploaded in File Upload question #2.

The piped link to the file allows you to download this file to your computer.

PLINK:{Qx.Ay} / PLINK:[Qx.Ay]

Refers to the File Upload question number x and the answer number y. Returns the preview of the file uploaded by respondent.

PLINK:{Q2.A1} will insert the preview opf the first file uploaded in File Upload question #2.

This piping token is most helpful when you need to insert an image preview through piping into questions and answers. 

{FormID} and {RespondentID} 

Refer to the respective parameters of your form.

You can use only curly brackets {} with these two tokens.

{FormID} will return the Form ID or the form where this token is applied.

{Respondent ID} will return the Respondent ID of the particular response.

You can use these piping tokens to pipe the Form ID or Respondent ID into your form fields or into settings of Remote Data Sender and Logical Remote Data Sender plugins.

Additional examples of using piping tokens

Question number

Answer number

Appearance in edit, report, export etc. mode

Appearance in preview, report by respondent, running survey mode



Please submit your personal information

Please submit your personal information













Dear [Q10.A1], your email address [Q10.A3] will be added to our database, please specify the subject line for your email below.

Dear Helen, your email address will be added to our database, please specify the subject line for your email below.

Hello from Boston!


{Q10.A1}, please indicate the best ways to contact you (You may select more than one way).

Helen, please indicate the best ways to contact you (You may select more than one way).












Thank You page.

Thank you, [Q10.A1], for your time. From now on your emails from [Q10.A3] will have subject '[Q12]'. To inform you of our updates, we will contact you by {Q13.A*}.

Thank you, Helen, for your time. From now on your emails from will have subject 'Hello from Boston!'. To inform you of our updates, we will contact you by Email, Fax.

It is also possible to change the URL Import and Piping together. Please, read thePiping with URL Importfor more details.

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