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Piping with URL Import

URL Import and Piping can be used together to import parameters from the address line into one of the questions on the first page of the form and use them in the next questions or on the Thank you page.

How to use these features 

To use the combination of these features you need to create a form and then:

  • Add a question of the Single Line Text type on the first page of your form.

  • Insert the tag <import param="XXX"/> into the responses you need to import parameters from the address line.

For more information about the URL Import, please read the article

  • Insert tokens [QX.AY] or {QX.AY} into the questions you need to use the imported data.

Question with imported parameters should precede the questions in which these parameters will be used.

An example of using URL Import and Piping together is shown in the table below:

Question number

Answer number

Appearance in edit, preview, report, export etc. mode

Appearance in report by respondent, running survey mode

Imported Parameters


Personal information:

Personal information:


Name<import param="name"/>




Email<import param="email"/>



Dear [Q1.A1], your email address [Q1.A2] will be added to our database.

Dear Pat, your email address will be added to our database.

Thank You page.

Thank you, [Q1.A1], for your time. From now on we will contact you by Email using your email address [Q1.A2] to inform you of our updates.

Thank you, Pat, for your time. From now on we will contact you by Email using your email address to inform you of our updates.

You can also use piping to create a URL with imported parameters within. When respondents follow this URL, they will be redirected to another form with imported data from the first form:

  • Create both Start form and Target form.

  • Adjust Target form to activate the URL Import.

  • Go back to the Start form and insert Target form link to the last page or to the Thank You Page.

  • Add piping tags to the target form URL. Thus, the data respondents submit in the Start form will be piped to the target form URL. When respondents follow this link, they will be redirected to the target form with the imported data within.

As the URL Import feature requires special symbols in a link, respondents must use alternative representation of such symbols. If they don't, browsers can interpret such symbols incorrectly and URL Import will be broken.

Examples of special symbols: %23 instead of #, &amp; instead of &.

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