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Group Password

You can protect your surveys with a password so only your target respondents can take the survey. This is used along with the Common-Password Survey feature.

To add a password for respondent form/survey access (further on - main survey) you need to do the following:

  1. Design a Common-Password Survey. You can use its question for description of your target group.

  2. Add new profile record (description of your target group) to it. You will be able to see this information in your 'main' survey report. To do it use the link from the Launch page or click [P] to go to the Pre-populated Overlay Survey page where you can add new records.

  3. Specify the password (profile code) you want to use for taking your main survey in the text field that pops up after you submit the profile survey.

  4. Go to the Edit Questions page of your main survey.

  5. Click [P] to add a question asking your respondents for a password.

  6. Select the profile survey which contains password for this survey, add a question text and click Save to save your settings.

  7. Now you can launch your main survey.

Each time a person follows its link the first question that he or she will see will be asking for a password.


You can set the limit on the number of respondents who access the survey using the same password. If the respondent does not meet the limit condition, the access will be denied after entering the password. To use this option, follow the steps below:

  1. In the profile survey edit the question of Single line type or add the new one.

  2. Enter the tag <max_students_count/> in any 'Write label for each line' single line text field.

  3. When adding profile records specify in the above-mentioned field the number of maximum respondents allowed.

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