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Rich Text Editor

In addition to the WYSIWYG editor mode for the question text you can switch to the Rich Text mode while creating question answer choices. This allows you to customize text appearance: make text bold, italic or underlined, insert hyperlinks and custom application tags.

You can insert the following tags by clicking the tools icon next to the appropriate answer option:

  • Sub header - makes indicated answer option a header of answer choices listed below. <more>

  • New Column - if your question contains the long list of answer options, you can break the list into multiple columns. Insert this tag into the answer option that you want to place in a new column.

  • Quota - you can set the quota for particular answer choice and set the number of responses before the quota is met, overquota responses will be treated as not submitted (In Progress) <more>

  • Block - is used along with the Quota option. If both are put together for the same question, the survey will become inactive once the number of respondents who select the answer with the quota reaches indicated number. Please read the Response Quotaarticle.

  • Default - this option is used for the Accessible Surveys to auto-select the answer options on behalf of respondents.

  • Language Selection - if you design a Multilingual survey, use this option for the language selection question.

If you want to use the HTML tags, switch to the Standard input mode.

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