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Static Text

This article describes the Static Text question purpose, functions and its specific and additional settings. 


If you want to write introductions or give additional headings to blocks of questions in your form, use this question type. Your text can contain long tables, images, etc.

There is no answer option, since this question type requires no answers.

How to create Static text question

  • To add the first question to your form:

Click the Add first question button to add this question type.

  • To add a question to the already existing form:

Click the '+' button on the Central panel, then select the question from the dropdown menu;

  • Type your text, introduction, comments or instructions in the Enter text here text box.

  • All changes are saved automatically.

Static text specific settings

To insert a table or / and image or other type of files to your text, use the Text editor over the Enter text section panel. 

Must answer settings

This question type has Basic Must Answer settings. 

Click hereMust Answer Settingsto read about the Must Answer settings.

Additional common question and answer option settings

This question type has additional common question and answer option settings.

Please read the articles for more details.

See the table of all available additional features depending on question types.

You can delete answer options, questions, change a question type, etc. Please read the Form builder interface article for the information.

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