Task Import
The Import Tasks feature provides the possibility of creating, assigning, and setting the completion due date of multiple tasks (one task per row in the file), as well as pre-populating the fields of the selected Form with the Task details.
There is a specific file structure you should use for the system to read the data from the file correctly.
A corresponding right must be activated in order to apply the feature to your account.
To activate this right, please get in touch with our support or your account manager.
How to Import a Task
Click the Import button located in the top right corner of the Task Management page.

Click on the Setup New Import button;

Now, you can import your file from the computer or the network.
Import Settings helps you to find more details.
Import file from your computer

Select the file to import allows you to choose the file;
Check the Consider First Line as Header box if the data file contains column headers;
Select the delimiter from the dropdown menu. The Comma delimiter is selected by default;
Confirm the accuracy of the file in the Import file preview page. Press the Run Import button to proceed with the Import process.

Import file from network or internet
Select the From network or internet option;
Indicate path to it. Specify the file location in the File location box;
Indicate the type of the Protocol;
Once you indicate the path to the folder, you can check one of the 2 options of The source file is setting;
Enter the Login and Password to connect to a remote server;
Check the Consider First Line as Header box if data file contains column headers;
Select the delimiter from the dropdown menu. The Comma delimiter is selected by default.
Confirm the accuracy of the file in the Import file preview page. Press the Next button.
Press the Next button.

Select the Run Import Now or Schedule import option to arrange the import of your task at a specific time.
Schedule task import can help you to find more details.
The Import file preview page displays only 100 rows.
The Task Definition must have a Contact Manager assigned prior to importing task assignments.
In order to assign a task to the corresponding contact, the contact must have a Unique ID applied.
The Data file Structure
Please note that Data file must have the following structure:
Summary, Description, Status Name, Responsible Party ID, Due Date,Creator ID
Summary column;
The Task Summary field is limited to 200 characters;
Description column
The column is limited to 2,000 characters;
A Task Admin can use the Piping feature for the Summary and Description columns. In the particular question column an Admin can specify the piped text (eg. 'London').
If the file has the Summary / Definition column with results of the piping, the task will be created in the light of the result.

Status name field
This field displays a name of a Task status from Task definition;
Responsible Party ID
The Column must be the Unique Key of the respondent in the Contact Manager;
Due date
The value must either be in the yyyy-mm-dd or mm-dd-yyyy formats.;
Creator ID field
The column displays the ID from the Contact manager of the contact that created the task.
Please note:
Creator ID column must be included in the file structure, but it is optional - this means that Creator ID field might be empty;
Only commas, semicolons and tabs can be used as delimiters;
Column headers must be indicated.
Autofill for the Task Import
Columns such as Q1.A1, Q2.A2, may be used to Autofill data but are not mandatory. Please take into account following rules when autofilling forms while Task import:
Question type | Qx | Qx.Ay |
Pick one or Other | Pre-set certain answer option with an answer label indicated in the file. It is not possible to pre-fill "Other" option | Pre-set referenced answer option with an answer label indicated in the file. It is also possible to pre-fill "Other" option |
Pick one with Comment | Pre-set certain answer option with an answer label indicated in the file. It is not possible to pre-fill "Comment" field | Pre-set referenced answer option with an answer label indicated in the file. It is also possible to pre-fill "Comment" option |
Check All That Apply | Pre-set one answer option with an answer label indicated in the file | Pre-set referenced answer option with an answer label indicated in the file. |
Dropdown | Pre-set one answer option with an answer label indicated in the file | Pre-set referenced answer option with an answer label indicated in the file |
Listbox | Pre-set one answer option with an answer label indicated in the file | Pre-set referenced answer option with an answer label indicated in the file |
Single line text with pre-format options | Can not be pre-filled using this reference | Pre-fill referenced answer option with a value indicated in the file. |
Multiline text response | Can not be pre-filled using this reference | Pre-fill referenced answer option with a value indicated in the file. |
Numeric allocation | Can not be pre-filled using this reference | Pre-fill referenced answer option with a value indicated in the file. |
File Upload | Can not be pre-filled using this reference | Pre-fill referenced answer option with a file indicated in the file. More details about "File upload" questions autofill can be found here. |
It is not possible to autofill questions of the following types: "Matrix", "Object Lookup", "Multiple Object Lookup".
The current example creates a task with the name of "Task 2", a "desc" description, Status name "open", assigned to a a contact with the Unique Key of "1",a Due Date of "2013-12-30" and created by a contact with the ID "2" in the Contact manager.
Auto-fill for Single line and Pick one is question types is also applied.
Your CSV Data file should look like the following :
CODEStatus name
CODEResponsible Party ID
CODEDue Date
CODECreator ID
CODETask 2
CODELine 1
CODELine 2