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Getting started with the Online Portal

If you still use the classic portal, it’s a good time to switch to FORM's newest Portal experience with a fresher design and stronger capabilities.

How to Switch?

Go to the Portal page as an Admin, check the ‘Use new portal UI’ checkbox, and log in to the Portal in your browser. For more details, check the article.

How to Get acquainted?

  • We have full instructions for the Online Portal functionality.

  • The best way to know how to work on Portal is to try it. Test it outside of business hours so as not to interrupt your users. When you finish, just uncheck the ‘Use new portal UI’ checkbox. Switching between the classic and new views should not break anything.

  • Another more complicated way to try is to create a test environment. Check the instructions below.

  • Also, we have a product tour that will give you an overview of the Portal UI and its main features.

Create test environment

You can recreate your solution to see how the Portal works with your real data.

  1. Create a Contact Manager and add a test contact.

  2. Copy the form(s) you use.

  3. Publish the form(s) to the newly created Contact Manager.

  4. If you work with task-based surveys, create a Task definition with the same settings you have in your real environment.

  5. Turn on the ‘Use new portal UI’ checkbox on the Portal settings page.

  6. Copy the Portal link and open it in another browser or the ‘incognito’ mode.

  7. Log in with your test contact credentials and check how the portal works.

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