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Online Portal

The table below presents help articles that will help you to know how to manage tasks/forms and filters.



How to enable the Online Portal

The article describes how and where to enable the latest UI of the Online Portal.

Latest Online Portal UI

The article presents a completely new, redesigned version of the User Portal browser version. 

Task Details Redesign

We are happy to announce the new Task Details design. Current UX changes will improve your experience with task flows in the Online Portal.

Browse and Manage Tasks on the Portal

The article explains how to manage and browse tasks, set up their functions and sorting them. 

How to create Task on Portal

The article describes how to create a task on the Portal for yourself by filling out a form linked to a task definition. 

Browse and Manage Forms on the Portal

The article explains how to manage and browse forms, set up their functions and sorting them. 

Filtering Tasks on the Portal

The article covers options for filtering tasks, as well as customizing filtering options, all of which can prove especially helpful when managing or having a big amount of tasks as well as assignees.

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