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Tags for Generating Unique Form Link

You can use the following tags in square brackets [ ] to personalize your email or supply it with additional form or report links. 

You can place the link to your form within your email body text. If you want to use the form name as such link, just type [S] and the link will appear in this position.

You can place form name within your email body as a text. Just type [S_text] and the form name will appear in this position.

You can place the link to your form within your email body text. If you want to use the form title as such link, just type [ST] and the link will appear in this position.

If you want to use the form title as a text just type [ST_text] and it will appear in this position.

You can also type [URL] and this token will be replaced with the hyperlinked URL of your form.

For example, if you write:
'We will be grateful if you give us your feedback by taking the [S]. If this link does not work, copy the URL below and paste it in your browser address bar:
your respondents will see the following text:
'We will be grateful if you give us your feedback by taking the WEBSITE EVALUATION. If this link does not work, copy the URL below and paste it in your browser address bar:'.

If you type [URL_text] this token will be replaced with the non-hyperlinked URL of your form.

It is possible that your respondents might have the mail agent software set up to receive messages in the plain text mode only, which means that all the hyperlinks in the text of the email invite will look just like the rest of the text and will not be clickable. That is why we highly recommend that you use the [URL] tag in addition to other tags, so that in case the form link is not clickable, the respondents could copy the full form URL and paste it directly into the address bar of their browser in order to access the form.
If you do not use any of the tags listed above that generate unique form links in your invitation email, the application will automatically add the hyperlinked form name as well as the form URL link at the end of the message for you.

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