Define Respondent Groups
Respondent groups are used to group respondents by certain criteria and use these groups in Statistics tables and Crosstab/Group Chart.
How to group your responders
On the Report page, select a custom report and click the Edit button;
On the Report Items page, click the Respondent Groups button;

Click the New group button to create a new group of respondents;
If you have applied the Randomize answers option while creating your form, you must deactivate it before defining the respondent groups. Otherwise, the values you set will be reset.

Use the Group name text box to enter a name for your group. Use the Edit description text box to enter information about the group;

Define group members using logic expressions. This means that your group will include only those respondents who met the logical criteria set in this step.
Only these logic operators are allowed:
Operator AND denotes that all the combined logic conditions are fulfilled.
Operator OR denotes that at least one of the combined logic conditions is fulfilled.
Operator NOT denotes that a logic condition is not fulfilled. You can put it at the beginning of a logic condition or after AND, OR operators.
You can use AND, OR, NOT operators in the same logic expression simultaneously. Use parentheses to make your logic unambiguous.
Follow these recommendations to create the logical rule:
Valid symbols in logic expressions
Valid symbols | Examples |
Letters: Q, A, C | Q1, Q1.C4, Q2.A3 |
Numbers: 1-9, 10 - more | Q9, Q23.A5 |
Dots: ... | Q3.A5.C7 |
Operators: AND(=&&), OR (=||), NOT (=!) | Q3.A1 AND Q3.A3, Q7.A3.C1 ORQ7.A3.C2, NOT Q2.A1 |
Parentheses: () | (Q1 AND Q3.A2) OR (Q5.A1 AND Q5.A3) |
ℹ Example
Q1.A2 AND (Q3.A5 OR Q4.A1) means that your group will include only those respondents who selected both answer 2 in question 1, and either answer 5 in question 3 or answer 1 in question 4.
The Matrix and Rating scale question types are specified as Q1.A2.C3 (it means that answer 2 is selected in column 3 in question 1).
It is also possible to define respondent groups based on the text responses.
How to define respondent groups based on the text responses
You can apply the Advanced Logic to text responses to the question of these types: Single line text, Multi-line text response, and Numeric Allocation as well as to Dropdown fields of the Matrix type of question.
List of available operators is shown below.
Operator | Description | Example | |
Logic Expression | Results | ||
== | If text responses contain the exact line string indicated next to '==', then the logic transition is fulfilled. This operator can also be used to refer to the record within the dropdown box of the '3D Matrix' type of question in the Qx.Ay.Cz==N format, where N is the sequence number of the item within the dropdown box that is selected by the respondent. Please note that enumeration, in this case, starts from 0, so if you need to refer to the 1st answer in the 3D Matrix dropdown, use Qx.Ay.Cz==0 condition; to the 2nd - Qx.Ay.Cz==1 and so on. | Q1.A2==Cat |
<> | If text responses do not contain the exact line string indicated next to '<>', then the logic transition is fulfilled. This operator can also be used to refer to the record within the dropdown box of the '3D Matrix' type of question in the Qx.Ay.Cz<>N format, where N is the sequence number of the item within the dropdown box that is not selected by the respondent. | Q2.A3<>Cat | Big Cat |
==LIKE | If text responses contain the line string indicated next to '==LIKE' regardless of its position in the text responses, then the logic transition is fulfilled. | Q2.A3==LIKECat | Cat |
<>LIKE | If text responses do not contain the line string indicated next to '<>LIKE' regardless of its position in the text responses, then the logic transition is fulfilled. | Q2.A3<>LIKECat |
==RLIKE | If text responses contain the line string specified by regular expressions next to '==RLIKE' regardless of its position in the text responses, then the logic transition is fulfilled. | ==RLIKERed(\s|\w)+Cross |
<>RLIKE | If text responses do not contain the line string specified by regular expressions next to '<>RLIKE' regardless of its position in the text responses, then the logic transition is fulfilled. | <>RLIKERed(\s|\w)+Cross | Red Bull |
==RMATCHES | ==RMATCHESxxx is the same as ==RLIKE^xxx$ | Q1.A1==RMATCHESRed(\s|\w)+Cross | Red fine Cross |
<>RMATCHES | <>RMATCHESxxx is the same as <>RLIKE^xxx$ | Q1.A1<>RMATCHESRed(\s|\w)+Cross |
Click the Save button to save your group. Then you will see your group with the description in the list of groups