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Individual Password Protection Using Our Mailing System

This feature allows you to autofill your surveys with individual passwords alongside email addresses when sending bulk email to recipients through our email system.

To secure your form with individual passwords:

  1. Create .csv (comma separated values) Data File in UTF-8 encoding containing passwords (PINs), email addresses, and other data you wish to import to the survey (not a must). For details on exporting data from other sources consult the Export Email Addresses From Data Sources.

(warning)  Keep in mind that:

  • This file must contain Password and Email fields.

  • You can use only latin alphabet and numbers (a-z, A-Z, 0-9). Do not use spaces or any other symbols (like @, &, $ etc..) in your passwords.

  • As long as you are going to use individual passwords, each password has to be unique and associated with a certain respondent. It is recommended that passwords will not be easy to match accidentally.

  • For those respondents who have email addresses, your survey will be sent to the addresses indicated in the CSV file. They can take the survey using the unique link from the invitation email or the Master URL and the password.

If you want to provide your form/survey respondents with an opportunity to skip the password entry and simply go to the voting page by clicking on the Master URL, please do the following:

  • Delete the last alphanumeric sequence in a Master URL (that is so-called form/survey access password). For instance, "10fd" in this link

  • Replace deleted password with that one uploaded previously (either via contact manager or imported file with emails and passwords). Please note, that you should replace deleted password with a respective password for an appropriate respondent.
    Thereby, if "123" password for "John Johnson" respondent stored in a CM or an uploaded file, the link for accessing a form/survey without password entry will have a following format :

  • Those respondents who do not have email addresses must use Master URL (from the survey Launch page) and their password to take the survey.

  • This file must not contain fields which you do not want to import to your survey including field headings (such as 'Email', 'Name' etc.), page brakes and others.

To remove field headings you should open your CSV file in a text editor (e.g. Notepad) and delete the line which contains these headings.

  • Only commas and semicolons can serve as delimiters/list separators (If your file contains other separators you may need to change Regional Settings on your computer).

  • There should be no commas or semicolons within the imported fields.

For example:

A field containing a line such as 'Company, Inc.' will be treated as two separate fields.

2. Select a survey to import the Data to.

3. Bring the survey questions in correspondence with fields of Data File you are going to import. You can find the details on how to do it in the Autofill help chapter.

4. Go to the survey Launch page.

5. Click the Send email invitation with individual Form links option.

6. Choose Import email list for bulk survey distribution option under the second step and click Format Data File button.

7. Specify format of the data file to be imported on the Format Data File page by simply select question answer choices to which you want to import and use [>] (Right Arrow) to move them from the Accessible Survey Questions text box into the Pre-populate These Questions text box.

8. Specify the numbers of email and password fields and click Save.

 If none of your respondents has email address or password, you must enter '0' into the corresponding text boxes.

9. Select the Overwrite option if you wish to allow your respondents to edit prepopulated data. If this option is unselected, your respondents will be able to see autofilled data (if pre-populated question is not hidden) but will not be able to edit it.
Click Save to save changes and apply settings.

10. Go through usual Launch to list procedure.

If you use the Survey Password feature and you do not make survey distribution (your file does not contain email addresses) click the Launch Survey to import additional information into your survey. Then respondents can use uploaded password to submit surveys via master link.

 After the survey is launched:

  • Invitation emails will be sent to email addresses indicated in your CSV file. Information on those respondents who do not have email addresses will be saved in the database without sending email.

  • On your Home page, the total number of respondents who did not take your survey yet will be indicated in the Incomplete column.

  • All the respondents will be listed on the 'Manage Responses' page. For those respondents who do not have email addresses the password will be displayed instead of the email address in the Incompletes ('Completed') list.

 When taking the survey:

  • If a respondent uses unique link from the invitation email, no password will be required. The survey will open with prepopulated data.

  • If a respondent uses Master URL and enters the correct password, the survey will be opened with prepopulated data.

  • If a respondent uses the Master URL and enters a wrong password, a confirm message will pop up asking if he or she wants to enter another password.

  • If the rule Allow multiple responses - only applies to Master URL is set on the Settingspage of your survey, respondent can skip the individual password by clicking Cancel in the confirm popup message. In this case, the respondent will be forwarded to a blank survey with no data autofilled inside. If any other rule is set, the respondent will be not allowed to skip the individual password.

  • Each password per survey must be unique. It is not possible to upload passwords that have already been in use within the survey. If you want to use the same passwords over again, we recommend copying your survey and uploading these passwords to the blank copy.

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