Question Editing Area
The question editing area includes several options that allow to edit survey questions that were created previously.
Insert dropdown menu allows you adding survey questions or section headings. This menu follows each survey element so that you can insert a new item at any place you need.
New page option allows you to add a page break in your survey. If any survey data is placed automatically to the new page as a result of the logic transition applied, this option will be activated and dimmed.
The question number indicates the position number of the question within a survey or linear form. In surveys this field is editable, which allows you to change the order of a single question or multiple questions at once by entering a new sequence number. Click the ‘Save’ question position from the pop-up menu to save your changes and apply repositioning. To change question position in linear form click the Move questions button on the ribbon toolbar and change question order with simple drag and drop.
Preview icon opens a specific question in a preview mode
Edit icon allows you to apply changes to a single question and its answer choices. If the question has already been answered by a respondent, you will not be able to delete the question if more than a total of a thousand responses were submitted for the particular form. you will only be able to edit the wording of the question title or existing answer options. In order to delete the question, you need to delete some responses until less than one thousand of responses remain.
You are not allowed to delete questions or answer choices if the total amount of responses submitted for the form accounts to more than one thousand.
If you have not published your survey, or there are no responses yet, you can edit question and answers in any way
Only first 9 answer options are shown under each question test. If there are more than 9 answer options in a question.
Logic icon is used to apply logical transition to the question. You can use Skip logic, Branch logic, Branch on Range or Advanced logic.
If logic button is highlighted in red, this mean the logic is broken and needs to be reviewed.
We don’t recommend to use together the Logic and Advanced features. The Advanced features allows more flexible form configuration.
Add Image allows you to add an image to survey question. For details please consult the Add Image help chapter
Copy option allows you to copy the question within a survey. For details consult the Copy Question Within The Survey help chapter
To delete question from a survey navigate to appropriate question and click the red Delete Survey Question icon, then confirm deleting by clicking the Delete Selected link within a pop-up message.
If the delete button is disabled, this means that there are responses to this question and are not allowed to delete it from your survey.
Hide option allows to hide the question from respondent's view. This is commonly used if you Autofill respondents' data into a hidden question for reporting purposes.
Validation can be set up with the help of a dropdown box that you see under the set of icons. By default all of your survey questions are optional and respondents can skip them when filling out your survey. However it is possible to force respondents to answer a question by changing the setting to mandatory or mandatory on condition.
Next to each question you will find dropdown box that lists the following options:
Allow to skip Select this option to make this question optional to answer.
Skip with alert This option allows respondent skipping a question but generates a pop-up alert that notifies about skipping the question.
Must answer Select this option to make the question mandatory. Respondents will not be able to proceed to other pages or submit your survey until answer the question.
Conditional Must Answer Use this option to create a condition upon which current question becomes mandatory.
Mandatory answer options Select this option to make only certain answer choices within a question mandatory to answer. You can apply this option to the following question types: Rate Different Items, 3D Matrix, Single Line.
Must answer all fields option is used to make all items within the 3D Matrix type of question mandatory to answer.