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Tags for Personalizing the Email Text

You can use the following tags in square brackets [ ] when editing your email invitation with the link to the online form. These tags allow you to personalize your email or supply it with additional form or report links.

[NAME] tag

If you are using respondent's name along with the email address for manual or bulk email invitation, you can insert the name into email body text.

To do it you must type the [NAME] tag in the email body text and the respondent's name will appear in this position. If there is no name in the square brackets, the [NAME] token will be replaced with the email address.

For example, if you use address[John Smith], the [NAME] token will be replaced with John Smith.

Alternatively, you may list respondents' emails in the following format: John Smith<>.

The [NAME] tag cannot be used when you send an email reminder.

[Fx] Tag

If you pre-populate some of your survey questions using the Autofill feature, you can insert some additional information on respondents (name, email etc.) in your email body text as well as in the questions and answer options text. To do it use the tag [Fx], where x is a number of import field (column) of your Data File. For example, if you import respondents' names in the field (column) one, you can address one of them in the email as 'Dear [F1]' and tag [F1] will be automatically substituted by respondent's name.

[CM:Field Name] tag

If you launch your survey to people from you can pre-populate invitation email with the contacts' data, such as name, email, position, address and other data depending on the Contact Manager settings in your account. To do it use [CM:Field Name] tag, where Field Name is the exact name of the field in the Contact Manager. For example, if you want to import respondents' names, you can address one of them in the email as 'Dear [CM:Name]' if this field exists in the Contact Manager. This tag will be automatically substituted by respondent's name.

[CM:Field Name|empty:text for empty field]

If you launch your survey to people from Contact Manager you can pre-populate invitation email with the contacts' data, such as name, email, position, address and other data depending on the Contact Manager settings in your account. To do it use [CM:Field Name] tag, where Field Name is the exact name of the field in the Contact Manager. For example, if you want to import respondents' names, you can address one of them in the email as 'Dear [CM:Name]' if this field exists in the Contact Manager. This tag will be automatically substituted by respondent's name.

In a possible case of the Contact Manager field of reference being empty, the [CM:Field Name|empty:text for empty field] can be applied. Upon indicating the text, you wish to pipe, the indicated text will be piped as opposed to an empty field.

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