E-mail Reminder
You can send an email reminder to the respondents whose email addresses are in your survey Incompletes list.
Once you have launched your form via the E-mail distribution method, you will be able to set up the Email Reminder feature for active forms only.
How to set up Email Reminder
Go to the forms home page, select the form to send the reminder for and click the Schedule Reminder link from the Information pane on the right.

In the Email Text tab, compose your reminder message. For details consult the Compose Email help chapter.

Click the Next button or click the Reminder Settings tab and specify the way this reminder should be sent.

Schedule Reminder
Select the Email reminder today option to email the reminder during an hour of the current day. Depending on the load of the mail server email reminders may be queued and will be sent during 30-60 minutes after the initial launch.
Select the Email reminder to non-respondents N days after first invitation option to email the reminder on the Nth day after the survey email invitation was sent to a respondent.
For example, a survey was launched on April 1. A reminder is set to go out in 10 days. Respondents, who did not submit the survey, will receive the reminder email on April 11. If you launched the survey once more to a different group of people on April 5th, these people would receive the reminder on April 15 - 10 days after they got their survey invitation.Select the Email reminder on option to email reminder on a specific date. To send email reminder today, use the Email reminder today option instead of setting the current date in this option.
If you schedule the Email reminder to be sent on a specific date, there is no fixed time frame when the Reminder will be sent out;
You can schedule as many reminders as you need, but only one reminder will be sent to non-respondents of the particular form per day.
Please enter a list of emails which you want to include to mailing
Select the Send to all unsubmitted respondents option to send to all email addresses listed in the incompletes list, both Not Started and In Progress.
Select the Send to all Not Started respondents option to remind only those who got your invitation but did not open and submit it.
Select the Send to all respondents In Progress option to remind respondents who started your survey but did not complete it.
Select the Edit address list manually option to edit the list of addresses reminder will be sent to. Thus, you can exclude certain addresses from the reminder mailing.
For the Email Survey Distribution with Password Protection method of launch the email addresses must go along with the passwords in the following format email@domain.com - password.
Click Test Email to specify an email address and send a test reminder to it.
Manage Reminders
If you have already sent reminders for a selected form before, reminders can be set through the Manage Reminders section.
To open this section, go to the Forms home page, select the survey to schedule/edit reminder for and click the Manage Reminders link from the Information pane;

Click the New Reminder button to proceed with creation of a new reminder for selected survey (as described above);
Click the Edit button next to needed reminder to modify it (Edit text, recipients list, date to be sent etc.);
Click the Copy button next to needed reminder to create a new reminder using selected one as a template;
Click the Delete button next to needed reminder to delete it.

When a reminder is set up, you may click the Edit button to edit its settings, copy it, or click Delete to deactivate it.
If your form was prepopulated using the Autofill feature, you can use [Fx] tags to insert the imported data into your email reminder.
If you send a reminder for the form/survey that was launched to people from theContact Manager, you can use [CM:Field Name] tag to insert contacts' data to the reminder message.
Reminders cannot be sent to respondents with In progress status if these responses were generated by the Logical Workflow plugin. As a workaround, you may create follow-up responses as Not Started: